If you are new to Sportpunter, or even if you have subscribed for a long time, then you might not know of some of the FREE predictions that we offer.
European Basketball has always been free on our website and the results so far this year have been fantastic. This is our fourth year in a row that we have had predictions for European baseketball, and we have had an incredible last three weeks. We’ve made 20% ROI from 236 bets on totals, and we do have a long term successful record. All betting histories and current predictions which are updated at 6.15pm (jpg at 6.10pm) are available here: http://www.sportpunter.com/sports/basketball/euro/
European Ice Hockey is also free of charge and been equally if not better performing. Our model has made 7% ROI betting on the line for 835 bets in the last 2 months. For totals betting, we have made 10% ROI from over 1100 bets since mid September. This also is our fourth year of predicting for European Ice Hockey and the free predictions and betting histories are shown here: http://www.sportpunter.com/sports/ice-hockey/euro/
Make sure you download the excel calculator and read through some of the betting analysis.
Best of punting luck

Fantastic results Jon. Any chance of even more leagues being added for the basketball? I noticed that a number of leagues feature on pinnacle that the model doesn´t predict for. LEB Gold, Greece A1 (seems broken), Romania, Slovakia, Brazil etc. Also odds are always qouted for the interleague games (Eurocup, league, challenge etc.) But no predictions come out of it. Any chance for any of those to be added?
Anyway, Great Job!
LEB GOld is Spain yes? I can get Greece A1 up, and Romania, Slovakia and Brazil. Let me know if you want other ones. With regards to interleage matches. I have the odds there so I can build a database, probably got enough now. However obviosuly its a bit more difficult to predict interleage than normal leagues, but the fact that it is more difficult coudl mean that I could conjur up a greater advantage.
Yeah LEB Gold is spanish womens elite division. If I could wish, it would be supersweet to get all the leagues featured at pinnacle. So, besides LEB Gold, Greece A1, Romania, Slovakia and Brazil, that would be; ABA (the adriatic league), Japan BJ-League, China (Basketball association) Korea KBL and Korea womens (WKBL).
Not sure if the asian comps are possible to add. But would at least give us a complete list of pinnacle basketball odds.
That is my wishlist at least 😀 But any additions are welcome.
Also having the interleague cups and competetions up would be really cool. Many of the leagues I mentioned above have really small limits, But the interleague comps can have some decent limits on matchday.
Jon, is there a chance any of these league might be added this season, or are they a project for next season?
I think it would be especially interesting to see how the inter league competitions would do in a live environment, but happy for any additions.
yep would love to see interleague as well as the above in the system. I will get onto them in the meantime….its on the agenda, although interleague might take a bit longer to do