Sportpunter's Golf Results for week 20/09/2010

Tournament Player1 Player2 Prob(Player1) Tournament / Round Prob Before Round Odds1 Odds2  $Bet1   $Bet2  Result  $Profit 
The Tour Championship Allenby R Van Pelt B 47.9% Round 1 1.91 1.9  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Allenby R Watney N 47.8% Round 1 2.3 1.8  $  75.82  $       -   0  $       -  
The Tour Championship Casey P Day J 52.4% Round 1 1.79 2.3  $       -    $  73.59 1 -$  73.59
The Tour Championship Casey P Scott A 55.8% Round 1 1.9 1.95  $  67.42  $       -   1  $  60.68
The Tour Championship Choi K Moore R 56.3% Round 1 1.83 1.95  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Choi K Overton J 52.5% Round 1 1.81 2.2  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Clark T Crane B 50.9% Round 1 1.87 2.04  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Donald L Day J 54.5% Round 1 1.8 2.25  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Donald L Els E 56.4% Round 1 1.93 1.97  $  95.85  $       -   1  $  89.14
The Tour Championship Els E Furyk J 44.0% Round 1 2.05 1.9  $       -    $  71.60 -1  $  64.44
The Tour Championship Furyk J Ogilvy G 61.8% Round 1 1.8 2.19  $141.01  $       -   -1 -$141.01
The Tour Championship Goosen R Johnson Z 52.4% Round 1 1.9 1.9  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Goosen R Watson B 57.1% Round 1 1.72 2.3  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Hoffman C Stricker S 36.7% Round 1 2.6 1.66  $       -    $  77.17 1 -$  77.17
The Tour Championship Johnson Z Na K 55.2% Round 1 1.78 2.4  $       -    $  54.17 -1  $  75.84
The Tour Championship Kuchar M Johnson D 51.8% Round 1 1.98 1.93  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Laird M Mickelson P 33.6% Round 1 2.65 1.56  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Mahan H Palmer R 60.1% Round 1 1.72 2.45  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Ogilvy G Rose J 45.5% Round 1 1.9 1.9  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Palmer R Na K 38.5% Round 1 2.15 1.95  $       -    $208.80 -1  $198.36
The Tour Championship Rose J Scott A 50.0% Round 1 2.15 1.83  $  65.70  $       -   0  $       -  
The Tour Championship Streelman K Van Pelt B 37.3% Round 1 2.45 1.7  $       -    $  94.60 1 -$  94.60
The Tour Championship Stricker S Kuchar M 54.1% Round 1 1.83 1.95  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Villegas C Moore R 57.9% Round 1 1.88 2.15  $100.62  $       -   -1 -$100.62
The Tour Championship Villegas C Watney N 50.0% Round 1 1.83 1.95  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Allenby R Crane B 50.8% Tournament 1 1.95 1.95  $       -    $       -   0  $       -  
The Tour Championship Allenby R Van Pelt B 46.9% Tournament 1 2.07 1.87  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Casey P Donald L 46.8% Tournament 1 1.85 1.95  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Casey P Rose J 58.6% Tournament 1 1.66 2.45  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Choi K Villegas C 47.5% Tournament 1 1.9 1.9  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Clark T Allenby R 50.6% Tournament 1 1.9 2.05  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Clark T Rose J 50.0% Tournament 1 2.12 1.81  $  53.52  $       -   1  $  59.94
The Tour Championship Crane B Van Pelt B 46.1% Tournament 1 2.02 1.95  $       -    $  53.82 1 -$  53.82
The Tour Championship Day J Johnson Z 50.1% Tournament 1 1.95 1.85  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Donald L Day J 56.7% Tournament 1 1.68 2.33  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Donald L Villegas C 59.1% Tournament 1 1.8 2.29  $  79.56  $       -   1  $  63.65
The Tour Championship Els E Casey P 43.6% Tournament 1 2.44 1.63  $  43.73  $       -   -1 -$  43.73
The Tour Championship Els E Furyk J 41.1% Tournament 1 2.24 1.77  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Furyk J Stricker S 39.7% Tournament 1 2.1 1.8  $       -    $107.66 1 -$107.66
The Tour Championship Goosen R Donald L 46.8% Tournament 1 1.97 1.95  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Goosen R Els E 56.4% Tournament 1 1.87 2.08  $  62.47  $       -   1  $  54.35
The Tour Championship Hoffman C Na K 54.1% Tournament 1 1.93 1.97  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Johnson D Els E 60.6% Tournament 1 1.63 2.5  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Kuchar M Johnson D 52.7% Tournament 1 1.92 1.95  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Kuchar M Stricker S 43.9% Tournament 1 2.12 1.81  $       -    $       -   0  $       -  
The Tour Championship Laird M Palmer R 55.6% Tournament 1 2 1.91  $112.18  $       -   -1 -$112.18
The Tour Championship Mahan H Johnson Z 40.2% Tournament 1 2.15 1.84  $       -    $118.67 -1  $  99.68
The Tour Championship Mahan H Palmer R 64.8% Tournament 1 1.58 2.56  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Mickelson P Furyk J 49.7% Tournament 1 1.81 2.11  $       -    $  55.59 -1  $  61.70
The Tour Championship Mickelson P Johnson D 48.0% Tournament 1 2.15 1.85  $       -    $       -   0  $       -  
The Tour Championship Mickelson P Kuchar M 45.3% Tournament 1 2.15 1.83  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Mickelson P Stricker S 39.4% Tournament 1 1.93 2.08  $       -    $242.03 1 -$242.03
The Tour Championship Moore R Clark T 40.9% Tournament 1 1.85 1.95  $       -    $160.37 1 -$160.37
The Tour Championship Moore R Day J 36.0% Tournament 1 2.22 1.74  $       -    $153.30 1 -$153.30
The Tour Championship Ogilvy G Choi K 43.1% Tournament 1 2.14 1.81  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Ogilvy G Villegas C 40.7% Tournament 1 2.11 1.82  $       -    $  97.25 -1  $  79.75
The Tour Championship Overton J Crane B 48.0% Tournament 1 2.17 1.85  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Palmer R Hoffman C 29.7% Tournament 1 2.32 1.69  $       -    $272.44 -1  $187.99
The Tour Championship Palmer R Na K 33.2% Tournament 1 2.24 1.73  $       -    $212.15 -1  $154.87
The Tour Championship Rose J Ogilvy G 56.7% Tournament 1 1.97 1.83  $120.37  $       -   -1 -$120.37
The Tour Championship Scott A Casey P 41.3% Tournament 1 2.05 1.9  $       -    $127.22 -1  $114.50
The Tour Championship Scott A Furyk J 38.9% Tournament 1 1.95 1.95  $       -    $202.17 -1  $192.06
The Tour Championship Scott A Mickelson P 39.2% Tournament 1 2.15 1.7  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Streelman K Laird M 47.6% Tournament 1 1.97 1.85  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Stricker S Johnson D 58.7% Tournament 1 1.74 2.22  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Van Pelt B Na K 55.2% Tournament 1 1.95 1.85  $  80.37  $       -   -1 -$  80.37
The Tour Championship Van Pelt B Streelman K 68.5% Tournament 1 1.56 2.63  $122.85  $       -   -1 -$122.85
The Tour Championship Watney N Mahan H 57.5% Tournament 1 1.9 1.93  $103.49  $       -   1  $  93.14
The Tour Championship Watney N Rose J 52.7% Tournament 1 1.9 2.05  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Watson B Watney N 45.2% Tournament 1 2.22 1.74  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Bjorn T Dougherty N 53.3% Round 1 1.83 1.83  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Bourdy G Jacquelin R 54.7% Round 1 1.85 1.95  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Boyd G Guerrier J 54.2% Round 1 1.8 1.9  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Carranza C Fisher O 49.1% Round 1 1.8 1.9  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Coles R Lima J 59.7% Round 1 1.6 2.2  $       -    $       -   0  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Dougherty N Derksen R 42.4% Round 1 2 1.75  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Edberg P Hamilton T 59.6% Round 1 1.8 1.9  $  91.61  $       -   0  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Edberg P Parry J 53.1% Round 1 1.7 2.2  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Garrido I Lafeber M 55.8% Round 1 1.65 2.1  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Goya T Strange S 58.1% Round 1 1.67 2.15  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Green R Cevaer C 66.6% Round 1 1.55 2.4  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Hamilton T Havret G 45.1% Round 1 1.8 2.02  $       -    $107.77 1 -$107.77
Vivendi Cup Hansen S Levet T 58.9% Round 1 1.65 2.2  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Hanson P Lara J 73.1% Round 1 1.57 2.3  $258.85  $       -    $       -  
Vivendi Cup Harrington P Fernandez-Castano G 51.8% Round 1 1.67 2.15  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Kjeldsen S McGinley P 53.8% Round 1 1.75 2.02  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Larrazabal P Ferrie K 54.2% Round 1 1.8 2.02  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Larrazabal P Webster S 44.0% Round 1 1.83 1.83  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Lawrie P Bjorn T 54.8% Round 1 1.67 2.2  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Morrison J Howell D 45.2% Round 1 1.8 1.9  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Nilsson C Forsyth A 53.5% Round 1 1.65 2.1  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Rock R Bourdy G 41.3% Round 1 2.15 1.67  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Wood C Fernandez-Castano G 48.3% Round 1 1.83 1.83  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Wood C Webster S 55.8% Round 1 1.6 2.4  $       -    $  44.15 -1  $  61.81
Vivendi Cup Bjorn T Levet T 60.0% Tournament 1 1.71 2.27  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Bourdy G Green R 49.5% Tournament 1 1.91 1.95  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Edberg P Lara J 58.4% Tournament 1 1.9 2.18  $121.15  $       -   1  $109.04
Vivendi Cup Edberg P Lawrie P 41.0% Tournament 1 1.9 1.9  $       -    $134.03 1 -$134.03
Vivendi Cup Fasth N Ferrie K 58.5% Tournament 1 1.77 1.83  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Fernandez-Castano G Wood C 52.6% Tournament 1 1.99 1.92  $       -    $       -   0  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Garrido I Hamilton T 73.5% Tournament 1 1.78 2.17  $395.34  $       -   1  $308.37
Vivendi Cup Green R Wood C 56.0% Tournament 1 1.9 1.9  $  70.22  $       -   1  $  63.20
Vivendi Cup Hanson P Harrington P 61.6% Tournament 1 2 1.97  $231.91  $       -    $       -  
Vivendi Cup Havret G Derksen R 34.9% Tournament 1 2.56 1.61  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Howell D Dougherty N 44.8% Tournament 1 2.15 1.79  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Jacquelin R Bourdy G 43.1% Tournament 1 2.07 1.85  $       -    $  62.83 -1  $  53.41
Vivendi Cup Jacquelin R Lawrie P 51.2% Tournament 1 1.85 1.95  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Luiten J Kjeldsen S 49.6% Tournament 1 1.8 2.18  $       -    $  83.43 -1  $  98.45
Vivendi Cup McGinley P Cevaer C 57.1% Tournament 1 2.04 1.87  $157.65  $       -   1  $163.95
Vivendi Cup Parry J Coles R 48.4% Tournament 1 1.87 1.93  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Parry J Larrazabal P 51.2% Tournament 1 1.96 1.94  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Rock R Hansen S 48.9% Tournament 1 1.95 1.95  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Webster S Edfors J 55.6% Tournament 1 1.81 2.11  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Allenby R Watney N 47.8% Round 2 2.1 1.83  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Casey P Furyk J 48.5% Round 2 1.9 2.01  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Choi K Na K 51.8% Round 2 1.77 2.18  $       -    $  43.52 0  $       -  
The Tour Championship Crane B Goosen R 43.9% Round 2 2.1 1.87  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Day J Streelman K 62.8% Round 2 1.73 2.27  $117.38  $       -   1  $  85.69
The Tour Championship Els E Hoffman C 50.3% Round 2 1.75 2.21  $       -    $  81.14 -1  $  98.18
The Tour Championship Johnson D Van Pelt B 56.2% Round 2 1.76 2.25  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Johnson Z Palmer R 64.2% Round 2 1.76 2.21  $171.34  $       -   0  $       -  
The Tour Championship Kuchar M Villegas C 57.6% Round 2 1.71 2.28  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Mahan H Mickelson P 40.6% Round 2 2.28 1.75  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Moore R Clark T 44.4% Round 2 1.96 1.94  $       -    $  83.06 1 -$  83.06
The Tour Championship Ogilvy G Donald L 39.0% Round 2 2.11 1.83  $       -    $139.23 -1  $115.56
The Tour Championship Rose J Scott A 49.8% Round 2 2.1 1.83  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Stricker S Overton J 64.5% Round 2 1.61 2.5  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Watson B Laird M 57.1% Round 2 1.82 2.13  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Moore R Clark T 41.7% Tournament 2 1.87 1.87  $       -    $104.53 1 -$104.53
Vivendi Cup Bjorn T Cevaer C 55.6% Round 2 1.8 1.9  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Bourdy G Rock R 54.7% Round 2 1.81 2  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Carranza C Fisher O 59.3% Round 2 1.45 2.55  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Coles R Lima J 58.4% Round 2 1.7 2.16  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Derksen R Dougherty N 64.6% Round 2 1.53 2.5  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Edberg P Jacquelin R 45.7% Round 2 2 1.72  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Edberg P Parry J 51.6% Round 2 1.81 2  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Edfors J Wiegele M 65.6% Round 2 1.57 2.4  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Forsyth A Nilsson C 50.5% Round 2 1.95 1.95  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Green R Cevaer C 66.2% Round 2 1.6 2.4  $  98.78  $       -   1  $  59.27
Vivendi Cup Hansen S Levet T 54.9% Round 2 1.81 2  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Harrington P Fernandez-Castano G 56.1% Round 2 1.66 2.3  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Havret G Hamilton T 51.3% Round 2 2.14 1.71  $  86.70  $       -   0  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Howell D Morrison J 50.3% Round 2 2.2 1.7  $  88.58  $       -   0  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Kjeldsen S Hamilton T 61.1% Round 2 1.92 1.88  $187.66  $       -   1  $172.64
Vivendi Cup Kjeldsen S McGinley P 56.0% Round 2 1.67 2.2  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Lafeber M Garrido I 41.9% Round 2 2.3 1.62  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Lara J Derksen R 38.2% Round 2 1.8 1.9  $       -    $192.54 0  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Larrazabal P Ferrie K 49.7% Round 2 1.95 1.9  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Lawrie P Bjorn T 50.3% Round 2 1.8 2.02  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Morrison J Gane C 48.7% Round 2 1.83 1.83  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Parry J Edfors J 45.7% Round 2 1.9 1.8  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Webster S Havret G 54.0% Round 2 1.9 1.8  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Wood C Webster S 51.1% Round 2 1.74 2.1  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Allenby R Mickelson P 43.4% Round 3 2.35 1.72  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Casey P Hoffman C 53.2% Round 3 1.75 2.21  $       -    $       -   0  $       -  
The Tour Championship Day J Crane B 52.9% Round 3 1.75 2.2  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Els E Moore R 55.4% Round 3 1.82 2.13  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Furyk J Donald L 49.1% Round 3 1.82 2.11  $       -    $  67.25 1 -$  67.25
The Tour Championship Goosen R Na K 55.4% Round 3 1.75 2.23  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Kuchar M Villegas C 56.1% Round 3 1.75 2.21  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Ogilvy G Choi K 45.9% Round 3 1.88 2.03  $       -    $  95.92 1 -$  95.92
The Tour Championship Overton J Scott A 47.6% Round 3 2.28 1.75  $  66.68  $       -   -1 -$  66.68
The Tour Championship Palmer R Laird M 46.5% Round 3 1.86 2.09  $       -    $107.99 1 -$107.99
The Tour Championship Streelman K Mahan H 43.1% Round 3 2.37 1.66  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Stricker S Rose J 60.6% Round 3 1.7 2.29  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Van Pelt B Clark T 50.8% Round 3 1.95 1.95  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Watney N Johnson Z 48.2% Round 3 2.05 1.86  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Watson B Johnson D 41.6% Round 3 2.25 1.74  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Furyk J Donald L 48.1% Tournament 3 1.77 2  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Ogilvy G Choi K 54.9% Tournament 3 1.83 1.91  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Bourdy G Lima J 67.2% Round 3 1.45 2.55  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Delamontagne F Derksen R 36.2% Round 3 2.47 1.55  $       -    $       -   0  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Edberg P McArthur A 61.8% Round 3 1.54 2.49  $       -    $       -   0  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Gane C Dixon D 49.7% Round 3 1.7 2.2  $       -    $  88.68 0  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Garrido I Howell D 59.2% Round 3 1.6 2.2  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Green R Coetzee G 63.7% Round 3 1.62 2.4  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Hamilton T Luiten J 39.1% Round 3 1.9 1.9  $       -    $174.71 1 -$174.71
Vivendi Cup Hansen S Larrazabal P 55.3% Round 3 1.71 2.2  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Jacquelin R Haastrup M 62.3% Round 3 1.58 2.4  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Kjeldsen S Edfors J 53.5% Round 3 1.81 2.01  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Lara J Strange S 52.8% Round 3 1.6 2.2  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Morrison J Guerrier J 45.8% Round 3 1.88 1.95  $       -    $  60.23 -1  $  57.22
Vivendi Cup Parry J Sandelin J 57.4% Round 3 1.69 2.18  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Vivendi Cup Whiteford P Ferrie K 49.2% Round 3 2.02 1.7  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
The Tour Championship Allenby R Clark T 48.7% Round 4 2 1.95  $       -    $       -   -1
The Tour Championship Casey P Na K 56.0% Round 4 1.69 2.4  $       -    $  40.16 1
The Tour Championship Choi K Watson B 49.4% Round 4 1.87 2.04  $       -    $       -   1
The Tour Championship Clark T Van Pelt B 47.8% Round 4 1.83 1.95  $       -    $       -   1
The Tour Championship Day J Moore R 57.0% Round 4 1.88 2.15  $  80.61  $       -   -1
The Tour Championship Day J Watney N 49.0% Round 4 1.9 1.9  $       -    $       -   -1
The Tour Championship Donald L Ogilvy G 60.2% Round 4 1.83 2.11  $121.97  $       -   1
The Tour Championship Els E Mahan H 53.7% Round 4 1.91 2.15  $       -    $       -   1
The Tour Championship Els E Scott A 50.3% Round 4 1.9 1.9  $       -    $       -   1
The Tour Championship Furyk J Donald L 49.1% Round 4 1.83 1.95  $       -    $       -   0
The Tour Championship Furyk J Goosen R 50.1% Round 4 1.91 2  $       -    $       -   1
The Tour Championship Goosen R Ogilvy G 59.2% Round 4 1.8 2  $  81.03  $       -   1
The Tour Championship Hoffman C Na K 51.5% Round 4 1.83 1.95  $       -    $       -   1
The Tour Championship Hoffman C Watney N 47.2% Round 4 2 1.99  $       -    $  51.31 -1
The Tour Championship Johnson D Overton J 58.8% Round 4 1.72 2.7  $       -    $  65.62 1
The Tour Championship Johnson Z Van Pelt B 51.4% Round 4 1.85 2.15  $       -    $       -   1
The Tour Championship Johnson Z Villegas C 50.9% Round 4 1.9 1.9  $       -    $       -   1
The Tour Championship Kuchar M Johnson D 51.2% Round 4 1.83 1.95  $       -    $       -   -1
The Tour Championship Mickelson P Streelman K 65.2% Round 4 1.55 2.9  $       -    $       -   -1
The Tour Championship Palmer R Laird M 46.3% Round 4 1.85 2.1  $       -    $115.32 1
The Tour Championship Rose J Crane B 50.8% Round 4 1.83 2.15  $       -    $  49.67 -1
The Tour Championship Scott A Kuchar M 40.8% Round 4 2.15 1.86  $       -    $118.04 -1
The Tour Championship Stricker S Mickelson P 55.2% Round 4 1.9 1.9  $       -    $       -   -1
The Tour Championship Villegas C Stricker S 38.5% Round 4 2.32 1.68  $       -    $       -   1
Vivendi Cup Bourdy G Green R 2.0% Tournament 4 1.8 1.95  $       -    $958.22 -1  $910.30