Sportpunter's Golf Results for week 22/04/2013

Open de Espana Player1 Player2 Prob Round/Tournament Round# Odds1 Odds2  $Bet1   $Bet2  Result  $Profit 
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Fowler R Horschel B 50.2% Round 1 1.77 2.1  $       -    $       -   0  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Howell C De Jonge B 47.3% Round 1 2.1 1.87  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Overton J Spieth J 50.8% Round 1 1.95 1.95  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Palmer R Olesen T 45.9% Round 1 1.91 2  $       -    $  82.11 1 -$  82.11
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Rose J Dufner J 62.5% Tournament 1 1.83 2.07  $173.49  $       -   1  $143.99
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Watson B Bradley K 50.1% Tournament 1 1.9 1.9  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Baddeley A Merrick J 50.6% Round 1 1.88 2.02  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Choi K Toms D 59.7% Round 1 1.85 2.07  $122.74  $       -   -1 -$122.74
Zurich Classic of New Orleans De Jonge B Hoffman C 55.5% Round 1 1.84 2.08  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans English H Romero A 60.4% Round 1 1.8 2.19  $109.83  $       -   1  $  87.87
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Fowler R Els E 56.8% Round 1 1.77 2.22  $       -    $       -   0  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Jacobson F Points D 65.9% Round 1 1.69 2.25  $164.79  $       -    $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Kelly J Glover L 57.6% Round 1 1.85 2.06  $  77.54  $       -   -1 -$  77.54
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Kirk C Steele B 57.4% Round 1 1.72 2.25  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans O'Hair S Stanley K 49.5% Round 1 1.97 1.93  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Walker J Teater J 60.4% Round 1 1.81 2.2  $115.69  $       -   1  $  93.71
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Woodland G McNeill G 52.3% Round 1 1.81 2.11  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Appleby S Kokrak J 52.1% Tournament 1 2.3 1.71  $152.78  $       -   1  $198.61
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Bradley K Dufner J 45.3% Tournament 1 2.02 1.89  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Colsaerts N Toms D 56.3% Tournament 1 1.83 2.1  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Els E Walker J 37.8% Tournament 1 2.1 1.86  $       -    $183.00 -1  $157.38
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Fowler R Horschel B 50.2% Tournament 1 1.77 2.2  $       -    $  79.17 -1  $  95.00
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Harman B Wi C 53.4% Tournament 1 2.05 1.88  $  90.46  $       -   -1 -$  90.46
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Immelman T Estes B 33.7% Tournament 1 2.35 1.69  $       -    $173.73 1 -$173.73
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Jacobson F Choi K 55.4% Tournament 1 1.77 2.1  $       -    $       -    $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Karlsson R Peterson J 52.5% Tournament 1 2.06 1.87  $  76.34  $       -   -1 -$  76.34
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Kelly J Points D 54.0% Tournament 1 1.8 2.15  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Olesen T Watney N 47.6% Tournament 1 2.07 1.87  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Overton J Kirk C 40.0% Tournament 1 2.05 1.88  $       -    $145.79 -1  $128.29
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Rollins J Thompson M 64.3% Tournament 1 1.72 2.25  $147.77  $       -   -1 -$147.77
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Romero A Stroud C 36.6% Tournament 1 2.42 1.67  $       -    $  88.39 -1  $  59.22
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Rose J Watson B 66.7% Tournament 1 1.77 2.21  $234.34  $       -   0  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Senden J Palmer R 54.1% Tournament 1 1.85 2.1  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Siem M Villegas C 61.5% Tournament 1 2.1 1.87  $264.63  $       -   -1 -$264.63
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Stadler K Goosen R 52.1% Tournament 1 1.72 2.3  $       -    $  78.34 1 -$  78.34
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Weekley B Davis B 55.5% Tournament 1 1.88 2.05  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Woodland G Lowry S 51.2% Tournament 1 1.84 2.08  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Baddeley A Merrick J 49.1% Round 2 1.92 1.99  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Choi K Toms D 54.8% Round 2 1.93 1.98  $  60.97  $       -   1  $  56.71
Zurich Classic of New Orleans De Jonge B Hoffman C 53.4% Round 2 1.83 2.09  $       -    $       -   0  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Dufner J Watson B 56.1% Round 2 1.85 2.1  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans English H Romero A 67.0% Round 2 1.61 2.49  $128.65  $       -   1  $  78.48
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Fowler R Els E 55.8% Round 2 1.71 2.3  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Kelly J Glover L 50.4% Round 2 2.02 1.95  $       -    $       -   0  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Kirk C Steele B 59.9% Round 2 1.67 2.36  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans O'Hair S Stanley K 51.9% Round 2 1.88 2.03  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Olesen T Palmer R 49.8% Round 2 2.05 1.86  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Overton J Spieth J 54.2% Round 2 1.85 2.07  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Rose J Bradley K 61.1% Round 2 1.85 2.06  $153.97  $       -   1  $130.88
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Walker J Teater J 64.8% Round 2 1.69 2.3  $137.27  $       -   -1 -$137.27
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Woodland G McNeill G 59.1% Round 2 1.67 2.36  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Colsaerts N Walker J 40.7% Round 3 1.95 1.87  $       -    $124.28 -1  $108.12
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Els E Davis B 55.4% Round 3 1.69 2.25  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans English H Watney N 41.6% Round 3 2.55 1.57  $  38.94  $       -   0  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Kelly J Rose J 30.7% Round 3 2.85 1.44  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Kirk C Gainey T 70.1% Round 3 1.61 2.45  $211.48  $       -   1  $129.00
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Labelle D Jones M 44.8% Round 3 2.15 1.74  $       -    $       -   0  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Maggert J Gates B 56.0% Round 3 1.87 1.95  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Woodland G Dimarco C 59.0% Round 3 1.74 2.15  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Appleby S Blixt J 50.1% Round 3 2.02 1.88  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Bohn J Gainey T 53.9% Round 3 1.95 1.95  $  54.36  $       -   0  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Brown S Every M 52.6% Round 3 1.83 2.1  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Campbell C Duke K 42.3% Round 3 2.3 1.69  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Fowler R Palmer R 55.7% Round 3 1.81 2.12  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Glover L Points D 45.7% Round 3 2.14 1.79  $       -    $       -   0  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Guthrie L Horschel B 38.1% Round 3 2.19 1.76  $       -    $117.79 -1  $  89.52
Zurich Classic of New Orleans O'Hair S Stadler K 39.0% Round 3 2.11 1.81  $       -    $127.99 -1  $103.68
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Stanley K Delaet G 39.3% Round 3 2.28 1.71  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Walker J English H 60.2% Round 3 1.83 2.1  $123.01  $       -   1  $102.10
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Watney N Watson B 47.7% Round 3 2.1 1.87  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Weekley B Els E 46.6% Round 3 2 1.93  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Woodland G Colsaerts N 46.3% Round 3 2.24 1.73  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Appleby S Every M 53.5% Round 4 1.95 1.95  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Barnes R Duke K 42.8% Round 4 2.15 1.79  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Davis B O'Hair S 55.3% Round 4 1.85 2.06  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans English H Guthrie L 51.1% Round 4 1.97 1.93  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Glover L Stanley K 48.2% Round 4 2.04 1.87  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Goosen R Palmer R 47.4% Round 4 2.15 1.79  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Jobe B Castro R 53.3% Round 4 1.97 1.93  $  52.28  $       -   1  $  50.71
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Kelly J Els E 43.0% Round 4 2.03 1.88  $       -    $  82.40 -1  $  72.51
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Kirk C Colsaerts N 56.0% Round 4 1.93 1.97  $  87.67  $       -   -1 -$  87.67
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Overton J Watson B 43.0% Round 4 2.27 1.71  $       -    $       -   -1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Points D Stadler K 40.6% Round 4 1.98 1.93  $       -    $157.37 1 -$157.37
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Rose J Dufner J 55.4% Round 4 1.81 2.11  $       -    $       -   1  $       -  
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Walker J Horschel B 50.7% Round 4 2.1 1.83  $  58.98  $       -   -1 -$  58.98
Zurich Classic of New Orleans Weekley B Watney N 40.7% Round 4 2.12 1.81  $       -    $  89.93 1 -$  89.93